[coreboot] Use VBIOS from vendor's original bin file
Zvi Vered
2018-11-06 19:15:30 UTC

Currently I'm replacing the BIOS in the vendor's bin file with coreboot.bin
Can coreboot use Vendor's VBIOS instead of the serial console ?
How can it find it in the vendor's bin file ?

Thank you,
Mike Banon
2018-11-06 22:43:01 UTC
Hello Zvika,
How can it find [VBIOS] in the vendor's bin file ?
It really depends on the type of vendor's BIOS because they could be
packed differently. For example, if your vendor's BIOS is Inside then
you can use Inside H2OEZE utility (sadly its' Windows-only and not
available officially, but you could find it if really want). But
please keep in mind that your vendor's BIOS might be patching that
VBIOS during booting, if that is indeed so - then a "clean" unpatched
VBIOS extracted with this method, either will not work at all or work
with errors. So it is always recommended to extract VBIOS from a
running system, just in case. Usually these instructions are working -
, see "Retrieval via Linux kernel" part. But if that's not working at
your system and you've tried everything else, here is a great
alternative method -

Best regards,
Mike Banon
Currently I'm replacing the BIOS in the vendor's bin file with coreboot.bin
Can coreboot use Vendor's VBIOS instead of the serial console ?
How can it find it in the vendor's bin file ?
Thank you,
coreboot mailing list: ***@coreboot.org
Zvi Vered
2018-11-10 04:59:02 UTC
Hi Mike,

Thank you very much !

Best regards,
Post by Mike Banon
Hello Zvika,
How can it find [VBIOS] in the vendor's bin file ?
It really depends on the type of vendor's BIOS because they could be
packed differently. For example, if your vendor's BIOS is Inside then
you can use Inside H2OEZE utility (sadly its' Windows-only and not
available officially, but you could find it if really want). But
please keep in mind that your vendor's BIOS might be patching that
VBIOS during booting, if that is indeed so - then a "clean" unpatched
VBIOS extracted with this method, either will not work at all or work
with errors. So it is always recommended to extract VBIOS from a
running system, just in case. Usually these instructions are working -
, see "Retrieval via Linux kernel" part. But if that's not working at
your system and you've tried everything else, here is a great
alternative method -
Best regards,
Mike Banon
Currently I'm replacing the BIOS in the vendor's bin file with
Can coreboot use Vendor's VBIOS instead of the serial console ?
How can it find it in the vendor's bin file ?
Thank you,